
Crown and Mane


Crown and Mane is a product design studio that works with cross-functional teams to design best-in-class digital experiences. As a partner, I help lead strategy and product visioning. Helping small firms think bigger and bigger firms rapidially innovate like small.

We leverage user-center design to frame problems and craft the right solutions, by iterating quickly and validating results. Our current focus is working with Investors to add a needed design vision and design systems for growing technology start-ups. We serve as external princple design team that has a history of partnering with developers.

In addition, we consult for large organizations, and help them develop market related ideas into a clear project vision and functioning design prototypes. All while training their teams on the latest product development methods to help them foster innovation internally.

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Agile, waterfall and scrum, we’ve got our product chops working with ambitious technology companies both big and small.

Key Offerings

Strategic Design

UX Design

Product Design

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